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Aural Delights Nov 2008

The A Bertram Chandler Story UFO is now available as an audio podcast from Starship Sofa Aural Delights No 48

This bibliograpy covers all the novels and short stories published by A. Bertram Chandler. There are a number of non-fiction works included. Where possible the bibliography is cross referenced with my personal collection and links provided to book or magazine scans. The most authorative published bibliography of Chandler's work is "A Bertram Chandler - Master Navigator of Space" by Phil Stephensen-Payne & Gordon Benson, Jr. This covers all work published by or about A. Bertram Chandler, and is available from Galactic Central. I have used this bibliography extensivley when preparing this site. I would recommend it to anyone interested in Chandler's work.


Alternate Orbits (More Information)
US, Ace, 1971
Germany, Terra Astra, 1972, (as "Weltraumspuk")
US, Ace, 1979 (as "The Commodore at Sea")
US, Ace, 1981 (as "The Commodore at Sea")
Japan, Hayakawa-Shobô, 1989, (as "Meiyo No Dendô")
in JOHN GRIMES: RIM RUNNER, 2004 (as "The Commodore at Sea")
Beyond the Galactic Rim (More Information)
US, Ace, 1963
UK, Sphere, 1982
UK, Alison & Busby, 1982
Russia,in THE LEGENDS OF THE RIM, 2003
Commander Grimes (More Information)
Russia, Act Mockba, 2004
From Sea to Shining Star (More Information)
Australia, Dreamstone, 1990
Gammel'nskaya plague (More Information)
Russia, Act Mockba, 2004
The Hard Way Up (More Information)
US, Ace, 1972
Japan, Hayakawa Shobô, 1975, (as "Renraku Uchûkan Hassin Seyo")
US, Ace, 1980
Germany, Goldmann 1983, (as "Grimes Macht Karriere")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2000
Russia, in COMMANDER GRIMES, 2004
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net
John Grimes: Lieutenant Of The Survey Service (More Information)
US, SFBC, 2001
John Grimes: Survey Captain (More Information)
US, SFBC, 2002
John Grimes: Tramp Captain (More Information)
US, SFBC, 2003
John Grimes: Reserve Commodore (More Information)
US, SFBC, 2004
John Grimes: Rim Runner (More Information)
US, SFBC, 2004
John Grimes: Rim Commander (More Information)
US, SFBC, 2005
The Rim Gods (More Information)
US, Ace, 1969
Italy, Urania, 1969, (as "Nuove Vie Della Frontiera")
Germany, Terra Nova, 1970, (as "Die Götter Der Randwelten")
US, Ace, 1978
US, Ace, 1981
Italy, in LE VIE DELLA FRONTERA, 1979, (as "Nuove Vie Della Frontera")
Japan, Hayakawa-Shobô, 1988, (as "Henkyô Seiiki No Kamigami")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2002
Legends of the Rim (More Information)
Russia, Act Mockba, 2003
To the Galactic Rim (More Information)
Baen Books, (US), March 2011, Paperback, ISBN:978-1-43913421-4
Baen Books, (US), March 2011, eBook, SKU: 9781439134214
Le Vie Della Frontiera (More Information)
Italy, Biblioteca Di Urania n. 805, 1979
Up To The Sky In Ships (More Information)
US, NESFA (for CHICON 4), 1982


Alternate Martians (More Information)
US, Ace 1965
The Anarch Lords (More Information)
US, DAW, Sep 1981
Japan, Hayakawa-Shobô, 1983, (as "Wakusei Sôtoku Grimes")
Germany, Goldmann, 1985, (as "Grimes Bei Die Anarcholords")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2000
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net

The Big Black Mark (More Information)
US, Daw, 1975
Japan, Hayakawa Shobô, 1976, (as "Kizu Tsuita Eikô")
US, Daw, 1978
US, Daw, 1982
Germany, Goldmann, 1984, (as "Grimes Und Die Liebesdroge")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2002
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net
The Bitter Pill (More Information)
Australia, Wren, 1974
Australia, Australian Large Print, 1991
Bring Back Yesterday (More Information)
US, Ace, 1961
Germany, Terra, 1964, (as "Im Zeitkreis Gefangen")
UK, Alison & Busby, 1981
UK, Sphere 1982
Russia, in THE LEGENDS OF THE RIM, 2003
The Broken Cycle (More Information)
UK, Hale, 1975
Japan, Hayakawa Shobô, (), 1976, (as "Ijigen No Eden")
Germany, Terra Taschenbuch, 1977, (as "Universum Der Roboter")
Italy, Urania, 1977
US, Daw, 1979
Germany, Goldmann, 1983, (as "Grimes Im Paradies Des Todes")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2000
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net
Catch the Star Winds (More Information)
US, Lancer, 1969
Germany, Terra Nova, 1970, (as "Der Sternensegler")
Japan, Hayakawa-Shobô, 1986 (as "Kôshi Hansen Furaingu Kurado")
Russia, in THE LEGENDS OF THE RIM, 2003
The Coils of Time (More Information)
US, Ace, 1964
Germany, Utopia, 1967, (as "Sprung In Die Zeit")
UK, Priory, nd
UK, Bridbooks, nd
US, Ace, 1972
Contraband from Otherspace (More Information)
US, Ace, 1967
Germany, Terra Nova, 1968, (as "Das Wrack Aus Der Unendlichkeit")
US, Ace, 1979
US, Ace, 1981
Japan, Hayakawa-Shobô, 1986, (as Jikû Hyôryûsen Arawaru!")
in ZVEZDNYI PUT' 4, 1993, (Russia), (as "Kontrabanda Iz Kosmosa")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2002
The Dark Dimensions (More Information)
US, Ace, 1971
Germany, Terra Astra 1972, (as "Raumschiff Aus Dem Nichts")
US, Ace, 1978
US, Ace, 1981
Sweden, Delta Science Fiction, 1982, (as Kosmisk Gåta)
Japan, Hayakawa-Shobô, 1989
Palm Digital (e-book), 2002
Russia, in COMMANDER GRIMES, 2004
The Deep Reaches of Space (More Information)
UK, Jenkins, 1964
Italy, I Romanzi del Cosmo, 1965, (as "Nelle Immense Profondità Spazali")
Spain, Ferma, 1966, (as "Lejanas Fronteras Del Espacio")
Germany, Terra, 1966, (as Der Mann, Der Zu Den Sternen Flog")
UK, Mayflower, 1967
Italy, in I Capolavori della fantascienza, 1967, (as "Nelle Immense Profondità Spazali")
Empress of Outer Space (More Information)
ACE, US, 1965
Germany, Terra, 1967, (as Die Kaiserin Der Galaxis")
Japan, Tokuma Shoten, 1978, (as "Gaiuchû No Jôô")
The Far Traveler (More Information)
Hale, UK, 1977 (as "The Far Traveller")
Japan, Hayakawa Shobô, 1977, (as "Haruka Naru Tabibito")
US, Daw, 1979
US, Daw, 1983
Italy, in Urania #822, 1980, (as "Il Comandente Del Far-Traveler")
Germany, Goldmann 23763-7, 1984 , (as "Grimes Und Das Schiff Aus Gold")
Italy, in IL PIANETA DEL TESORO, 1997, (as "Il Comandente Del Far-Traveler")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2000
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net
Frontier of the Dark (More Information)
US, ACE, Jan 1984
Gateway to Never (More Information)
US, Ace, 1972
Germany, Terra Astra, 1973, (as "Das Tor Zum Nichts")
US, Ace, 1978
US, Ace, 1981
Hayakawa-Shobô, (Japan), 1989
Palm Digital (e-book), 2002
Russia,in COMMANDER GRIMES, 2004
Glory Planet (More Information)
US, Avalon, 1964
Canada, Ryerson, 1964
The Hamelin Plague (More Information)
UK, Monarch, 1963
To Keep the Ship (More Information)
US, Daw, 1978
UK, Hale, 1978
Japan, Hayakawa-Shobô, 1979, (as "Seikan Unyusen Gôdatsusaru")
Germany, Goldmann, 1984, (as "Grimes In Gefährlicher Mission")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2000
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net
The Inheritors (More Information)
US, Ace, 1972
Germany, Terra Astra,1973, (as "Welt Der Vergessenen")
Italy, Urania, 1974, (as "I Coloni Di Morrow")
Japan, Hayakawa-Shobô, 1976, (as Dori Gari No Wakusei")
Italy, in LE VIE DELLA FRONTERIA, 1979, (as "I Coloni Di Morrow")
Germany, Goldmann, 1984, (as "Grimes Und Die Vergessene Kolonie")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2002
Russia, in COMMANDER GRIMES, 2004
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net
Into the Alternate Universe (More Information)
US, Ace, 1964
Germany, Utopia, 1967, (as "Im Spalt Zwischen Den Universen")
US, Ace, 1972
US, Ace, 1979
US, Ace, 1981
Russia, in ZVEZDNYI PUT' 3, 1993, (as "V Al'ternativnuyu Vselennuyu")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2002
Kelly Country (More Information)
Australia, Penguin, 1983
US, Daw, 1985
Germany, Goldmann, 1986 (as "Die Australische Revolution")
The Last Amazon (More Information)
US, DAW, 1984
Japan, Hayakawa-Shobô, 1984, (as "Wakusei Suparuta Futabi") ("Find the Lady")
Germany, Goldmann, 1985, (as "Grimes Und Die Letze Amazone")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2000
Matilda's Stepchildren (More Information)
UK, Hale, 1979
Japan, Hayakawa-Shobô, 1980, (as "Haitoku No Wakusei")
Italy, Urania, 1980, (as "Il Pianeta Del Piacere")
Germany, Goldmann, 1985, (as "Grimes Als Gladiator")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2000
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net
Nebula Alert (More Information)
US, Ace, 1967
Germany, Terra Nova, 1969 (as "Das Universum Der Rebellen")
Japan, Hayakawa Shobô, 1986, (as "Ankoku Seiun Toppa)
Planet ohne Umkehr (More Information)
Germany, Utopia Großband #150, 1961
To Prime the Pump (More Information)
US, Curtis, 1971
Japan, Hayakawa Shobô, 1975, (as "Eru Dorado No Ikenie")
Germany, Goldmann, 1983, (as "Grimes Auf El Dorado")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2000
Czechoslovakia, Wales, 2004, (as "Studna duší")
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net
Rendezvous on a Lost World (More Information)
US, Ace, 1961
France, Fleuve Noir, 1963, (as "Rendez-Vous Sur Un Monde Perdu")
Germany, Terra, 1963, (as "Die Welt Der Roboter")
Spain, Galaxia, 1967, {as "Cita En Un Mundo Perdido"}
US, Ace, 1972
Italy, Urania, 1973, (as "Appuntamento Su Un Mondo Perduto")
Japan, Kubo Shoten, 1974, (as "Uchû No Kaizokutô")
Italy, in LE VIE DELLA FRONTIERIA, 1979, (as "Appuntamento Su Un Mondo Perduto")
UK, Alison & Busby, 1981 (as "When the Dream Dies")
UK, Sphere, 1982 (as "When the Dream Dies")
The Rim of Space (More Information)
US, Avalon, 1961
Canada, Ryerson, 1961
US, Ace, 1962
Germany, Terra, 1962, (as "Am Rande Der Milchstrasse")
Italy, in I Romanzi del Cosmo, 1962, (as "I Fuorilegge Dell'universo")
Italy, in I Capolavori della fantascienza, 1966, (as "I Fuorilegge Dell'universo")
UK, Priory, 1973
UK, Bridbooks,1973
Germany, Bastei SF Action, 1976, (as "Vagabunden Der Galaxis")
US, Ace, 1979
US, Ace, 1981
UK, Alison & Busby, 1981
UK, Sphere, 1982
on Leonard Nimoy Science Fiction Volume 2, Global Interactive Corporation (CD-ROM), 1995
Russia,in THE LEGENDS OF THE RIM, 2003
US, Blackstone Audio. Inc., in A GALAXY TRILOGY VOL. 4, 2009  (Audiobook)
The Road to the Rim (More Information)
US, Ace, 1967
Italy, Urania, 1968, (as "Le Vie Della Fronteria")
Germany, Terra Nova, 1969, (as "Strasse In Die Unendlichkeit")
Sweden, LP-Pocket, 1969, (as "Utpost I Rymden")
Japan, Hayakawa Shobô, 1975, (as "Ginga Henkyô Eno Nichi")
US, Ace, 1978
Italy, Biblioteca di Urania, 1979, (as "Le Vie Della Fronteria")
Germany, Goldmann, 1983, (as "Grimes Reist In Die Unendlichkeit")
Portugal, Coleçãca Argonauta, 1991, (as "Missão De Vingança")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2001
Russia,in COMMANDER GRIMES, 2004
Czechoslovakia, Wales, 2004, (as "Cesta na Okraj")
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net
France, les moutons électriques, éditeur, 2007 (as "La Route des Confins)
The Sea Beasts (More Information)
US, Curtis, 1971
Italy, Urania, (as "Dove Sparivano Le Navi")
The Ship from Outside (More Information)
US, Ace, 1963
US, Ace, 1979
US, Ace, 1981
Space Mercenaries (More Information)
US, ACE, 1965
UK, Priory, 1974
Japan, Hayakawa Shobô, 1986, (as "Ginga Yôhei Butai")
Russia, RIPOL, 1993, (as "Naeminiki Kosmosa")
Russia, in THE LEGENDS OF THE RIM, 2003
Spartan Planet (More Information)
Sydney, Horwitz, 1968 (as "False Fatherland")
US, Dell, 1969
Japan, Hayakawa Shobô, 1976, (as "Wakusei Sparta No Hanran")
US, Ace, 1979
US, Ace, 1981
Germany, Goldmann, 1983, (as "Grimes Bei Den Rebellen Von Sparta")
Portugal, Coleçãca FC, (as "O Planeta Esparta")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2002
Russia, in COMMANDER GRIMES, 2004
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net
Star Courier (More Information)
UK, Hale, 1977
US, Daw, 1977
Japan, Hayakawa Shobô, 1977, (as "Ôgon No Seikan Renrakutei")
US, Daw, 1983
Germany, Goldmann, 1984, {as "Grimes Gegen Die Piratenkönigin"}
Palm Digital (e-book), 2000
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net
Star Loot (More Information)
US, Daw, 1980
UK, Hale, 1981
Japan, Hayakawa-Shobô, 1982, (as "Ginga Shiryau Sendan")
Germany, Goldmann, 1985, (as "Grimes, Freibeuter Des Weltraums")
Palm Digital (e-book), 2000
US, Baen Books (e-book), 2007, www.webscription.net
The Way Back (More Information)
UK, Hale, 1976
US, Daw, 1978
Germany, Terra Taschenbuch, 1978, as ("Flug Ins Gestern")
France, Albin Michel, 1980, (as "Le Long Détour")
US, Daw, 1981
Palm Digital (e-book), 2000
The Wild Ones (More Information)
Australia, Paul Collins, 1984
Japan, Hayakawa-Shobô, 1985, (as "Harukanari Ginga Henkyô")
US, Daw, 1985
Palm Digital (e-book), 2000


If, Oct 1958 (More Information)
"All Laced Up"
New Worlds, #112, Nov 1961 (More Information)
Lambda 1 and Other Stories (Berkley Medallion USA 1964) (More Information)
Lambda 1 and Other Stories (Penguin UK 1965) (More Information)
Pacific Book of Australian SF (Pacific Books Australia 1968) (More Information)
Pacific Book of Science Fiction (Angus & Robertson Australia 1969) (More Information)
Australian Science Fiction 1 (Angus & Robertson Australia 1972) (More Information)
Australian Science Fiction 1 (Angus & Robertson Australia 1975) (More Information)
Lambda 1 and Other Stories (Penguin UK 1977) (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
Mortal Fire (Coronet Australia 1993) (More Information)
The Best Australian Science Fiction Writing - A Fifty Year Collection (Black Inc. Australia 2004) (More Information)
New Worlds, #56, Feb 1957 (More Information)
Man Junior, Mar 1957 (More Information)
"Alter Ego"
Man Junior 0 (More Information)
Astounding, Mar 1945 (More Information)
"And The Glory"
Authentic Science Fiction, #84, Sep 1957 (More Information)
"I'll Take Over"
Super-Science Fiction, Aug 1957 (More Information)
"The 'Aphrodite' Project"
Slant, #6, Dec 1951 (More Information)
www.bertramchandler.com, Aug 2005 (More Information)
Nebula, #24, Sep 1957 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"The Last Citizen"
Amazing, Apr 1958 (More Information)
Thrilling Science Fiction, Dec 1972 (More Information)
"As It Was in the Beginning"
The Log, May/Jun 1955 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Bad Patch"
Astounding, Jan 1947 (More Information)
"The Beholders"
Fantastic Universe, Nov 1957 (More Information)
Flying Saucers (Fawcett Crest USA 1988) (More Information)
"Möte med flygande tefat"
Häpna! (Sweden), May 1962 (More Information)
"The Bird-Brained Navigator"
If, Jun 1968 (More Information)
The Rim Gods (Ace USA 1969) (More Information)
Nuove Vie Della Frontiera (Urania Italy 1969) (More Information)
Die Götter Der Randwelten (Terra Nova Germany 1970) (More Information)
Le Vie Della Frontera (Biblioteca Di Urania Italy 1979) (More Information)
The Rim Gods (Ace USA 1981) (More Information)
Henkyô Seiiki No Kamigami (Hayakawa-Shobô Japan 1988) (More Information)
John Grimes: Rim Runner (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
"The Bitter Pill"
Vision of Tomorrow, Jun 1970 (More Information)
Galaktica (Hungary), #43 1982 (More Information)
"The Book of Power"
New Worlds, #62, Aug 1957 (More Information)
Famous Fantastic Mysteries, Aug 1947 (More Information)
"The Bureaucrat"
If, Apr 1958 (More Information)
"By Implication"
Science Fiction Adventures, #23, Nov/Dec 1961 (More Information)
"The Cage"
F&SF, Jun 1957 (More Information)
Authentic Science Fiction, #82, Jul 1957 (More Information)
The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction, Seventh Series (Doubleday USA 1958) (More Information)
12 Great Classics of Science Fiction (Gold Medal USA 1963) (More Information)
Yet More Penguin Science Fiction (Penguin UK 1966) (More Information)
SF68 1968 (More Information)
The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus (Penguin UK 1973) (More Information)
Anthropology Through Science Fiction (St Martins Press USA 1974) (More Information)
The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus (Penguin UK 1976) (More Information)
Criminal Justice Through Science Fiction (Franklin Watts USA 1977) (More Information)
Science Fiction of the 50's (Avon USA 1979) (More Information)
Science Fiction of the 50's (Avon USA 1979) (More Information)
The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus (Penguin UK 1980) (More Information)
Science Fiction A to Z (Houghton Mifflin USA 1982) (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
Space Stories (Robinson UK 1996) (More Information)
The Best Australian Science Fiction Writing - A Fifty Year Collection (Black Inc. Australia 2004) (More Information)
A Science Fiction Omnibus (Penguin UK 2007) (More Information)
Jules Verne-Magasinet (Sweden), May 1977 (More Information)
"En Cage"
Fiction, #53, Apr 1958 (More Information)
"Can Do"
Science Fantasy, #34, Apr 1959 (More Information)
The Log, Nov/Dec 1959 (More Information)
Weird Tales, Nov 1947 (More Information)
New Worlds, #6, Sp 1950 (More Information)
No Place Like Earth (Boardman UK 1952) (More Information)
No Place Like Earth (Panther UK 1952) (More Information)
Science Fiction Adventures in Dimension (Vanguard USA 1953) (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Chance Encounter"
New Worlds, #81, Mar 1959 (More Information)
Up to the Sky in Ships (NEFSA Press USA 1982) (More Information)
Starships (Fawcett Crest USA 1983) (More Information)
John Grimes: Reserve Commodore (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
"Change of Heart"
New Worlds, #110, Sep 1961 (More Information)
Fantastic, May 1962 (More Information)
8th Annual Of The Year's Best Science Fiction (Simon and Schuster USA 1963) (More Information)
Baleful Beasts (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. USA 1974) (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"War of The Dolphins"
Man, Nov 1961 (More Information)
"Clear View"
Amazing, Nov 1958 (More Information)
"A Clockwork Lemon"
IASFM, Jun 1982 (More Information)
"Coefficient X"
New Worlds, #6, Sp 1950 (More Information)
"The Coils of Time"
Toronto Star Weekly, 7-Nov-64 1964 (More Information)
"The Converts"
Science Fantasy, #27, Feb 1958 (More Information)
"Critical Angle"
F&SF, Nov 1958 (More Information)
Venture Science Fiction, #12, Oct 1964 (More Information)
First Flights to the Moon (Doubleday USA 1970) (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"L'arrivé Sur La Lune"
Fiction, #61, Dec 1958 (More Information)
"Dark Reflection"
Authentic Science Fiction, #80, May 1957 (More Information)
"Dawn of Nothing"
Astounding, Aug 1948 (More Information)
Astounding (British Edition), Feb 1949 (More Information)
Impressions on a Continent, A collection of Australian Stories (Heinemann Australia 1983) (More Information)
"Doggy in The Window"
Amazing, Nov 1978 (More Information)
"Don't Knock the Rock"
Tales from the Planet Earth (St. Martins Press USA 1986) (More Information)
Tales from the Planet Earth (St. Martins Press USA 1987) (More Information)
New Worlds, #76, Oct 1958 (More Information)
Science Fiction Stories, Feb 1959 (More Information)
Science Fiction Stories (British Edition), #9, Sep 1959 (More Information)
Astounding, Jun 1957 (More Information)
Astounding (British Edition), Oct 1957 (More Information)
Up to the Sky in Ships (NEFSA Press USA 1982) (More Information)
"The Dutchman"
Galaxy, Nov 1972 (More Information)
John Grimes: Rim Commander (SFBC USA 2005) (More Information)
Catch the Star Winds (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"Edge of Night - Part 1"
If, Sep 1966 (More Information)
"Edge of Night - Part 2"
If, Oct 1966 (More Information)
"The Explanation"
Fantastic Universe, Jan 1958 (More Information)
"Fall of Knight"
Fantastic Universe, Jun 1958 (More Information)
Fantastic Universe Omnibus (Panther UK 1962) (More Information)
Rulers of Men (Pyramid USA 1965) (More Information)
"False Dawn"
Astounding, Oct 1946 (More Information)
Journey To Infinity (Gnome Press USA 1951) (More Information)
"Familiar Pattern"
Astounding, Aug 1959 (More Information)
Astounding (British Edition), Jan 1960 (More Information)
Astounding (Australian Edition), Jan 1960 (More Information)
SciFi.com, Feb 2005 (More Information)
"The Far Traveller"
Analog, Aug 1976 (More Information)
"Farewell to the Lotos"
Science Fiction Adventures, Feb 1953 (More Information)
"The Female of the Species"
Fantastic, Sep 1959 (More Information)
"Final Voyage"
Man 0 (More Information)
Science Fiction Adventures, Feb 1953 (More Information)
"Finishing Touch"
New Worlds, #16, Jul 1952 (More Information)
Man, Jul 1952 (More Information)
Gateway to Tomorrow (Panther 1962) (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Doom Satellite"
Imagination, May 1953 (More Information)
"Mord på Marsraketen"
Häpna! (Sweden), Nov 1954 (More Information)
Marvel Science Stories, Nov 1950 (More Information)
Skyworlds, May 1978 (More Information)
"Firebrand Woman"
Detective Aces, #8 0 (More Information)
"Flypaper Planet"
Imagination, Apr 1958 (More Information)
"Forbidden Planet"
Fantastic Universe, Jul 1959 (More Information)
Beyond the Galactic Rim (Ace USA 1963) (More Information)
Beyond the Galactic Rim (Sphere UK 1982) (More Information)
Beyond the Galactic Rim (Alison & Busby UK 1982) (More Information)
Legends of the Rim (Act Mockba Russia 2003) (More Information)
"Foul Log"
Man, Dec 1945 (More Information)
"Frontier of the Dark"
Astounding, Sep 1952 (More Information)
Astounding (British Edition), Feb 1953 (More Information)
Tomorrow Bites (BAEN USA 1995) (More Information)
Cosmos, #1, Sep 1953 (More Information)
Science Fiction Monthly (Australian), #7, Mar 1956 (More Information)
"The Genie"
Fantastic, Sep 1961 (More Information)
Science Fantasy, #26, Dec 1957 (More Information)
Up to the Sky in Ships (NEFSA Press USA 1982) (More Information)
"Ghost World"
Imaginative Tales, May 1958 (More Information)
"Giant Killer"
Astounding, Oct 1945 (More Information)
Astounding (British Edition), Mar 1946 (More Information)
World of Wonder (Twayne USA 1951) (More Information)
Great Short Novels of Science Fiction (Ballantyne Books USA 1970) (More Information)
The Astounding-Analog Reader (Doubleday USA 1972) (More Information)
The Astounding Analog Reader Book Two (Sphere UK 1972) (More Information)
Novella:3 (Orbit UK 1978) (More Information)
The Arbor House Treasury of Great Science Fiction Short Novels (Arbor House USA 1980) (More Information)
Isaac Asimov Presents The Golden Years of Science Fiction (Bonanza Books USA 1982) (More Information)
SF Magazine (Japan), #24, May (24/5) 1983 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
Great Tales of The Golden Age of Science Fiction (Galahad Books USA 1991) (More Information)
Jim Baen's Universe, Vol. 2 No.1 Jun 2007 (More Information)
"Gift Horse"
If, Jun 1958 (More Information)
"The Golden Journey"
Astounding, Jun 1945 (More Information)
Astounding (British Edition), Sep 1945 (More Information)
"Grimes Among the Gourmets"
Other Worlds (Void Australia 1978) (More Information)
John Grimes: Reserve Commodore (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"Grimes And the Gaijin Daimyo"
Dreaming Again (Harper Voyager Australia 2008) (More Information)
Dreaming Again (10 EOS USA 2008) (More Information)
"Grimes and the Great Race"
IASFM, Apr 1980 (More Information)
Aliens & UFO's (Smithmark USA 1993) (More Information)
John Grimes: Reserve Commodore (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"Grimes and the Jail Birds"
F&SF, May 1984 (More Information)
John Grimes: Reserve Commodore (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"Grimes and the Odd Gods"
F&SF, Jun 1983 (More Information)
Frontier Worlds (Cory and Collins Australia 1983) (More Information)
John Grimes: Reserve Commodore (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"Grimes at Glenrowan"
IASFM, Mar/Apr 1978 (More Information)
Asimov's Choice: Comets & Computers (Dale USA 1978) (More Information)
John Grimes: Reserve Commodore (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"The Habit"
Amazing, Aug 1960 (More Information)
The Most Thrilling Science Fiction Ever Told, #5 1967 (More Information)
"The Hairy Parents"
Void, #2 1975 (More Information)
Fantastic, Oct 1978 (More Information)
SF aus Australien (Goldmann Science Fiction USA 1982) (More Information)
Neanderthals (Signet Books USA 1987) (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"The Half Pair"
New Worlds, #65, Nov 1957 (More Information)
Amazing, Jul 1958 (More Information)
Penguin Science Fiction (Penguin UK 1961) (More Information)
John O' London's, #109, Nov 1961 (More Information)
Penguin Science Fiction (Penguin UK 1966) (More Information)
The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus (Penguin UK 1973) (More Information)
The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus (Penguin UK 1976) (More Information)
Science Fiction (John Murray UK 1978) (More Information)
The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus (Penguin UK 1980) (More Information)
BBC Radio 4, 3rd Dec 2003 (More Information)
"Hard Luck Story"
Void, #1 1975 (More Information)
F&SF, Su 1950 (More Information)
Up to the Sky in Ships (NEFSA Press USA 1982) (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Homing Tantalus"
New Worlds, #96, Jul 1960 (More Information)
"Hot Squat"
Cosmos, #2, Nov 1953 (More Information)
Science Fiction Monthly (Australian), #5, Jan 1956 (More Information)
"How to Win Friends"
Science Fantasy, #25, Oct 1957 (More Information)
"Hur man vinner vänner"
Häpna! (Sweden), Dec 1962 (More Information)
"The Idol"
Fantastic, Aug 1959 (More Information)
Weird Mystery, Win 1970 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
Gammel'nskaya plague (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
"Idol Hands"
Man Junior, May 1959 (More Information)
"In the Box"
New Worlds, #71, May 1958 (More Information)
Super-Science Fiction, Oct 1958 (More Information)
"It Started With Sputnik"
Amazing, Aug 1958 (More Information)
Thrilling Science Fiction, Apr 1972 (More Information)
Gammel'nskaya plague (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
New Worlds, #20, Mar 1953 (More Information)
Fantasy and Science Fiction (British), #1, Oct 1953 (More Information)
F&SF, Apr 1953 (More Information)
Club 1954 (More Information)
The Best from New Worlds Science Fiction (Boardman UK 1955) (More Information)
Men on the Moon (Ace USA 1958) (More Information)
First Step Outward (Dell (US) USA 1969) (More Information)
First Flights to the Moon (Doubleday USA 1970) (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
Fiction, #10, Sep 1954 (More Information)
"Mysteriet på månen"
Häpna! (Sweden), Oct 1960 (More Information)
"Journey's End"
Amazing, Feb 1979 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Kelly Country"
Void, #3 1976 (More Information)
Australian Science Fiction (University of Queensland Press Australia 1982) (More Information)
Australian Science Fiction (University of Queensland Press Australia 1982) (More Information)
Australian Science Fiction (Academy Chicago USA 1984) (More Information)
"Kelly Country - Chapter 4"
Science Fiction - A Review of Speculative Fiction, Vol 6 No 3 1984 (More Information)
www.bertramchandler.com, Dec 2004 (More Information)
"The Key"
Fantastic, Jul 1959 (More Information)
Beyond the Galactic Rim (Ace USA 1963) (More Information)
Great Science Fiction, #7 1967 (More Information)
Beyond the Galactic Rim (Alison & Busby UK 1982) (More Information)
Beyond the Galactic Rim (Sphere UK 1982) (More Information)
Legends of the Rim (Act Mockba Russia 2003) (More Information)
"The Kinsolving's Planet Irregulars"
Galaxy, Jul 1969 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Hall of Fame"
Alternate Orbits (Ace USA 1971) (More Information)
Weltraumspuk (Terra Astra Germany 1972) (More Information)
The Commodore at Sea (Ace USA 1981) (More Information)
Meiyo No Dendô (Hayakawa-Shobô Japan 1988) (More Information)
John Grimes: Rim Runner (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
Gammel'nskaya plague (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
"Lady Dog"
Astounding, Mar 1946 (More Information)
Astounding (British Edition), Aug 1948 (More Information)
"Last Day"
Fantastic Worlds, Su 1953 (More Information)
www.bertramchandler.com, Dec 2005 (More Information)
"Last Dreamer"
If, Aug 1968 (More Information)
The Rim Gods (Ace USA 1969) (More Information)
Nuove Vie Della Frontiera (Urania Italy 1969) (More Information)
Die Götter Der Randwelten (Terra Nova Germany 1970) (More Information)
Le Vie Della Frontera (Biblioteca Di Urania Italy 1979) (More Information)
The Rim Gods (Ace USA 1981) (More Information)
Henkyô Seiiki No Kamigami (Hayakawa-Shobô Japan 1988) (More Information)
John Grimes: Rim Runner (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
"The Last Hunt"
Galaxy, Mar 1973 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
John Grimes: Rim Commander (SFBC USA 2005) (More Information)
Catch the Star Winds (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
Science Fantasy, #13, Apr 1955 (More Information)
Man, Nov 1955 (More Information)
SF Author's Choice 2 (Berkley Medallion USA 1970) (More Information)
Beyond Tomorrow (Wren Australia 1976) (More Information)
"Late Arrival"
Imaginative Tales, Mar 1956 (More Information)
"The Left-Hand Way"
Best SF: 1967 (Berkley USA 1968) (More Information)
The Year's Best Science Fiction 1 (Sphere UK 1968) (More Information)
"Naval Engagement"
Australian Science Fiction Review, #10, Jun 1967 (More Information)
www.bertramchandler.com, Mar 2005 (More Information)
"The Long Fall"
Amazing, Jul 1977 (More Information)
"La longue chute"
Fiction, #287, Jan-Feb 1978 (More Information)
"The Long Way"
Worlds of Tomorrow, Nov 1964 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Lost Art"
Startling Stories, Jan 1952 (More Information)
"Un Art Perdu"
les meilleurs récits de Startling Stories (J'ai Lu France 1977) (More Information)
"Lost Thing Found"
New Worlds, #94, May 1960 (More Information)
"The Magic, Magic Carpet"
Fantastic, Oct 1959 (More Information)
"Man Alone"
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"The Man Who Could Not Stop"
F&SF, May 1959 (More Information)
Beyond the Galactic Rim (Ace USA 1963) (More Information)
Venture Science Fiction, Oct (British) 1964 (More Information)
Venture Science Fiction, Dec (Australasia) 1964 (More Information)
Beyond the Galactic Rim (Sphere UK 1982) (More Information)
Beyond the Galactic Rim (Alison & Busby UK 1982) (More Information)
Legends of the Rim (Act Mockba Russia 2003) (More Information)
"Les Frontières De La Nuit"
Fiction, #75, Feb 1960 (More Information)
"The Man Who Sailed the Sky"
Alternate Orbits (Ace USA 1971) (More Information)
Weltraumspuk (Terra Astra Germany 1972) (More Information)
The Commodore at Sea (Ace USA 1981) (More Information)
Meiyo No Dendô (Hayakawa-Shobô Japan 1988) (More Information)
John Grimes: Rim Runner (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
Gammel'nskaya plague (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
"Matilda's Stepchildren (Extract)"
Alien Worlds (Void Australia 1979) (More Information)
"A Matter of Taste"
Science Fiction Quarterly, Nov 1957 (More Information)
"A Matter of Timing"
Fantastic Universe, Aug/Sep 1953 (More Information)
"The Maze"
Science Fantasy, #21, Feb 1957 (More Information)
If, Apr 1957 (More Information)
Man, May 1957 (More Information)
Häpna! (Sweden), Mar 1961 (More Information)
"The Minus Effect"
Galaxy, Aug 1969 (More Information)
"The Subtracter"
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1972) (More Information)
Renraku Uchûkan Hassin Seyo (Hayakawa Shobô Japan 1975) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1980) (More Information)
Grimes Macht Karriere (Goldmann Germany 1983) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Palm Digital USA 2000) (More Information)
John Grimes: Lieutenant Of The Survey Service (SFBC USA 2001) (More Information)
Commander Grimes (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"Moon of Madness"
Planet Stories, Sp 1949 (More Information)
Imagination, May 1955 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Mother of Invention"
Authentic Science Fiction, #83, Aug 1957 (More Information)
Nebula, #29, Apr 1958 (More Information)
"The Mountain Movers"
Galaxy, Mar 1971 (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1972) (More Information)
Renraku Uchûkan Hassin Seyo (Hayakawa Shobô Japan 1975) (More Information)
The Zeitgeist Machine (Angus & Robertson Australia 1977) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1980) (More Information)
Grimes Macht Karriere (Goldmann Germany 1983) (More Information)
Centuraus - The Best of Australian Science Fiction (Tor USA 1999) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Palm Digital USA 2000) (More Information)
John Grimes: Lieutenant Of The Survey Service (SFBC USA 2001) (More Information)
Commander Grimes (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"Mutiny on Venus"
Planet Stories, Win 1948 (More Information)
"Nemesis Ex Machina"
Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories, #7, Su 1957 (More Information)
"New Wings"
Astounding, Apr 1948 (More Information)
"Next in Line"
Science Fantasy, #4, Sp 1952 (More Information)
"No More Sea"
Amazing, Jan 1959 (More Information)
"No Return"
New Worlds, #97, Aug 1960 (More Information)
"No Room in the Stable"
The Mentor, #20, Aug 1971 (More Information)
IASFM, Fall 1977 (More Information)
Asimov's Choice: Astronauts & Asteroids (Davis Publications USA 1977) (More Information)
Isaac Asimov Science Fiction Masterpieces (Galahad Books USA 1993) (More Information)
www.bertramchandler.com, Aug 2004 (More Information)
"And Not in Peace"
Famous Fantastic Mysteries, Dec 1946 (More Information)
"Not Quite the Noblest"
The Log, Jul/Aug 1956 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Not Without Precedent"
Envisiaged Worlds (Void Australia 1978) (More Information)
"On the Account"
Galaxy, May 1973 (More Information)
John Grimes: Rim Commander (SFBC USA 2005) (More Information)
Catch the Star Winds (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"One Came Back"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, Fall 1945 (More Information)
"Operation Starquest"
Man, Oct 1960 (More Information)
"The Outsiders"
Astounding, Aug 1959 (More Information)
Astounding (Australian Edition), Jan 1960 (More Information)
Astounding (British Edition), Jan 1960 (More Information)
"Path of Glory"
Man, Feb 1946 (More Information)
Slant, #7, Win 1952 (More Information)
"Permanent Correction"
Sea Stories, #0, Nov 1953 (More Information)
New Worlds, #13, Jan 1952 (More Information)
"Forest of Knives"
Fantastic Universe, Oct/Nov 1953 (More Information)
"The Pied Potter"
F&SF, Aug 1971 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Planet of Ill Repute"
Infinity, Nov 1958 (More Information)
Up to the Sky in Ships (NEFSA Press USA 1982) (More Information)
"The Pool"
Nebula, #21, May 1957 (More Information)
"Position Line"
New Worlds, #4 1949 (More Information)
Short Stories, Sep 25th 1946 (More Information)
Pocket Man, Apr 1959 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Preview of Peril"
Planet Stories, Fall 1948 (More Information)
"The Principle"
Science Fantasy, #22, Apr 1957 (More Information)
Science Fiction Stories, Sep 1957 (More Information)
Science Fiction Stories (British Edition), #1, Oct 1957 (More Information)
""The Principle" Revisited"
The Log, May/Jun 1954 (More Information)
Science Fiction Stories, May 1960 (More Information)
www.bertramchandler.com, Mar 2008 (More Information)
"The Proper Gander"
Analog, Jan 1970 (More Information)
Man Junior, Jan 1970 (More Information)
"A Question of Theology"
Amazing, Apr 1964 (More Information)
Thrilling Science Fiction, Apr 1975 (More Information)
"Raiders of the Solar Frontier"
Out of This World Adventures, Dec 1950 (More Information)
"And All Disastrous Things"
New Worlds, #9, Sp 1951 (More Information)
"Reaping Time"
Slant, #6, Dec 1951 (More Information)
www.bertramchandler.com, Mar 2005 (More Information)
"Reward of Knowledge"
Short Stories, Jul 25th 1948 (More Information)
"The Right Ingredients"
New Worlds, #79, Jan 1959 (More Information)
"Rim Change"
Galaxy, Aug 1975 (More Information)
John Grimes: Rim Commander (SFBC USA 2005) (More Information)
Catch the Star Winds (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"The Rim Gods"
If, Apr 1968 (More Information)
The Rim Gods (Ace USA 1969) (More Information)
Nuove Vie Della Frontiera (Urania Italy 1969) (More Information)
Die Götter Der Randwelten (Terra Nova Germany 1970) (More Information)
Le Vie Della Frontera (Biblioteca Di Urania Italy 1979) (More Information)
The Rim Gods (Ace USA 1981) (More Information)
Henkyô Seiiki No Kamigami (Hayakawa-Shobô Japan 1988) (More Information)
John Grimes: Rim Runner (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
Famous Science Fiction, Sp 1967 (More Information)
"The Road to the Rim - Part1"
If, Apr 1967 (More Information)
The Road to the Rim (Ace USA 1967) (More Information)
Utpost I Rymden (LP-Pocket Sweden 1969) (More Information)
Strasse In Die Unendlichkeit (Terra Nova Germany 1969) (More Information)
Ginga Henkyô Eno Nichi (Hayakawa Shobô Japan 1975) (More Information)
Le Vie Della Frontera (Biblioteca Di Urania Italy 1979) (More Information)
The Road to the Rim (Ace USA 1980) (More Information)
Grimes Reist In Die Unendlichkeit (Goldmann Germany 1983) (More Information)
John Grimes: Lieutenant Of The Survey Service (SFBC USA 2001) (More Information)
The Road to the Rim (Palm Digital USA 2002) (More Information)
Commander Grimes (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
Cesta Na Okraj (Wales Czechoslovakia 2004) (More Information)
The Road to the Rim (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
La Route Des Confins (les moutons électriques France 2007) (More Information)
"The Road to the Rim - Part2"
If, May 1967 (More Information)
The Road to the Rim (Ace USA 1967) (More Information)
Utpost I Rymden (LP-Pocket Sweden 1969) (More Information)
Strasse In Die Unendlichkeit (Terra Nova Germany 1969) (More Information)
Ginga Henkyô Eno Nichi (Hayakawa Shobô Japan 1975) (More Information)
Le Vie Della Frontera (Biblioteca Di Urania Italy 1979) (More Information)
The Road to the Rim (Ace USA 1980) (More Information)
Grimes Reist In Die Unendlichkeit (Goldmann Germany 1983) (More Information)
John Grimes: Lieutenant Of The Survey Service (SFBC USA 2001) (More Information)
The Road to the Rim (Palm Digital USA 2002) (More Information)
Commander Grimes (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
Cesta Na Okraj (Wales Czechoslovakia 2004) (More Information)
The Road to the Rim (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
La Route Des Confins (les moutons électriques France 2007) (More Information)
"The Rub"
Galaxy, Apr 1970 (More Information)
Alternate Orbits (Ace USA 1971) (More Information)
Weltraumspuk (Terra Astra Germany 1972) (More Information)
The Commodore at Sea (Ace USA 1981) (More Information)
Meiyo No Dendô (Hayakawa-Shobô Japan 1988) (More Information)
John Grimes: Rim Runner (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
Gammel'nskaya plague (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
"Sea Change"
Mans World, #7 1970 (More Information)
The Year 2000 (Doubleday USA 1970) (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"The Search for Sally"
Super-Science Fiction, Aug 1957 (More Information)
"Second Meeting"
Town & Country 1948 (More Information)
F&SF, Fall 1950 (More Information)
"Seeing Eye"
Amazing, Oct 1960 (More Information)
The Most Thrilling Science Fiction Ever Told, #6 1967 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Sense of Wonder"
New Worlds, #64, Oct 1957 (More Information)
Fantastic Universe, Feb 1958 (More Information)
Flying Saucers in Fact and Fiction (Lancer Books USA 1968) (More Information)
Flying Saucers (Fawcett Crest USA 1988) (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"The Serpent"
New Worlds, #17, Sep 1952 (More Information)
"Moonflowers and Mary"
Fantastic Universe, Oct/Nov 1953 (More Information)
"Shadow Before"
Cosmos, #3, Mar 1954 (More Information)
Science Fiction Monthly (Australian), #8, Apr 1956 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Shaggy Dog"
Short Stories, Jul 10th 1946 (More Information)
"The Ship From Nowhere"
Argosy, #3, Mar 1948 (More Information)
The Argosy Book of Sea Stories (A.S. Barnes and Company USA 1953) (More Information)
"The Silence"
Amazing, Feb 1959 (More Information)
The Most Thrilling Science Fiction Ever Told, #13, Su 1969 (More Information)
"The Sister Ships"
Galaxy, Sep 1971 (More Information)
Alternate Orbits (Ace USA 1971) (More Information)
Weltraumspuk (Terra Astra Germany 1972) (More Information)
The Commodore at Sea (Ace USA 1981) (More Information)
Meiyo No Dendô (Hayakawa-Shobô Japan 1988) (More Information)
John Grimes: Rim Runner (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
Gammel'nskaya plague (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
"Sister Under the Skin"
New Worlds, #63, Sep 1957 (More Information)
Man, Sep 1957 (More Information)
If, Aug 1958 (More Information)
"Six of One"
Science Fantasy, #9, Jul 1954 (More Information)
"...And a Half-Dozen of the Other"
Future Science Fiction, #33, Su 1957 (More Information)
Future Science Fiction (British Edition), #1, Nov 1957 (More Information)
"The Sleeping Beast"
Amazing, Jan 1978 (More Information)
"Sleeping Beauty"
Galaxy, Feb 1970 (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1972) (More Information)
Renraku Uchûkan Hassin Seyo (Hayakawa Shobô Japan 1975) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1980) (More Information)
Grimes Macht Karriere (Goldmann Germany 1983) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Palm Digital USA 2000) (More Information)
John Grimes: Lieutenant Of The Survey Service (SFBC USA 2001) (More Information)
Commander Grimes (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"The Song"
Man, Oct 1957 (More Information)
Future Science Fiction, #38, Aug 1958 (More Information)
Future Science Fiction (British Edition), #5, Dec 1958 (More Information)
"Le Chants des Sirenes"
Satellite, #23, Nov 1959 (More Information)
"SOS, Planet Unknown"
Vanguard Science Fiction, Jun 1958 (More Information)
"The Soul Machine"
Galaxy, Nov 1969 (More Information)
The Best From Galaxy Volume I (Award USA 1972) (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Die Seelenmaschine"
Science Fiction Stories (Ullstein Germany 1980) (More Information)
"The Tin Messiah"
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1972) (More Information)
Renraku Uchûkan Hassin Seyo (Hayakawa Shobô Japan 1975) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1980) (More Information)
Grimes Macht Karriere (Goldmann Germany 1983) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Palm Digital USA 2000) (More Information)
John Grimes: Lieutenant Of The Survey Service (SFBC USA 2001) (More Information)
Commander Grimes (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"Spaceman's Delight"
Science Fiction Stories, Mar 1959 (More Information)
Science Fiction Stories (British Edition), #10, Nov 1959 (More Information)
"Spartan Planet - Part 1"
Fantastic, Mar 1968 (More Information)
False Fatherland (Horwitz Australia 1968) (More Information)
Spartan Planet (Dell USA 1969) (More Information)
Wakusei Sparta No Hanran (Hayakawa Shobô Japan 1976) (More Information)
Spartan Planet (Ace USA 1981) (More Information)
Grimes Bei Den Rebellen Von Sparta (Goldmann Germany 1983) (More Information)
John Grimes: Lieutenant Of The Survey Service (SFBC USA 2001) (More Information)
Spartan Planet (Palm Digital USA 2002) (More Information)
Commander Grimes (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
Spartan Planet (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"Spartan Planet - Part 2"
Fantastic, May 1968 (More Information)
False Fatherland (Horwitz Australia 1968) (More Information)
Spartan Planet (Dell USA 1969) (More Information)
Wakusei Sparta No Hanran (Hayakawa Shobô Japan 1976) (More Information)
Spartan Planet (Ace USA 1981) (More Information)
Grimes Bei Den Rebellen Von Sparta (Goldmann Germany 1983) (More Information)
John Grimes: Lieutenant Of The Survey Service (SFBC USA 2001) (More Information)
Spartan Planet (Palm Digital USA 2002) (More Information)
Commander Grimes (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
Spartan Planet (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"Special Knowledge"
Astounding, Feb 1946 (More Information)
Astounding (British Edition), Jul 1946 (More Information)
Astounding, Jul 1946 (More Information)
Astounding (British Edition), Apr 1947 (More Information)
"Stuff of Dreams"
Short Stories, Oct 10th 1948 (More Information)
"The Successors"
Nebula, #23, Aug 1957 (More Information)
Science Fiction Stories, Aug 1958 (More Information)
Science Fiction Stories (British Edition), #6, Feb 1959 (More Information)
"The Survivors"
Authentic Science Fiction, #77, Feb 1957 (More Information)
Fantastic Universe, Mar 1957 (More Information)
"Swap Shop"
New Worlds, #66, Dec 1957 (More Information)
"Temptress of Eden"
Future Science Fiction, #42, Apr 1959 (More Information)
Future Science Fiction (British Edition), #9, Sep 1959 (More Information)
"Terror of the Mist Maidens"
Out of This World Adventures, Jul 1950 (More Information)
"They Blow Up"
Authentic Science Fiction, #79, Apr 1957 (More Information)
"The Hostile Survivors"
Imagination, Aug 1957 (More Information)
"This Means War!"
Astounding, May 1944 (More Information)
"The Tides of Time"
Fantastic Adventures, Jun 1948 (More Information)
Fantastic Adventures Quarterly, #2, Fall 1948 (More Information)
"The Tie That Binds"
Science Fantasy, #26, Dec 1957 (More Information)
Fantastic Universe, Jun 1958 (More Information)
Encounters with Aliens (Sherbourne Press USA 1968) (More Information)
"Time to Change"
New Worlds, #57, Mar 1957 (More Information)
Fantastic Universe, Jan 1959 (More Information)
"The Tin Fishes"
If, Dec 1968 (More Information)
The Rim Gods (Ace USA 1969) (More Information)
Nuove Vie Della Frontiera (Urania Italy 1969) (More Information)
Die Götter Der Randwelten (Terra Nova Germany 1970) (More Information)
Le Vie Della Frontera (Biblioteca Di Urania Italy 1979) (More Information)
The Rim Gods (Ace USA 1981) (More Information)
Henkyô Seiiki No Kamigami (Hayakawa-Shobô Japan 1988) (More Information)
John Grimes: Rim Runner (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
"To Run the Rim"
Astounding, Jan 1959 (More Information)
Astounding (British Edition), Apr 1959 (More Information)
"Tower of Darkness"
Astounding, Nov 1946 (More Information)
Astounding (British Edition), Jun 1947 (More Information)
"The Traveller"
Man, May 1946 (More Information)
"Traveler's Tale"
Startling Stories, Jan 1947 (More Information)
"The Trouble with Them"
Science Fantasy, #24, Aug 1957 (More Information)
"The True Believers"
The Last Dangerous Visions (Unpublished 0) (More Information)
"Two Can Play"
Australian Science Fiction Review, #10, Jun 1967 (More Information)
www.bertramchandler.com, Mar 2005 (More Information)
The Cygnus Chronicler, Dec 1979 (More Information)
www.bertramchandler.com, Oct 2008 (More Information)
"The Ultimate Vice"
Space Travel, Jul 1958 (More Information)
"Two-Edged Saw"
Man, Dec 1957 (More Information)
"The Underside"
Science Fantasy, #32, Dec 1958 (More Information)
"The Unharmonious Word"
Science Fantasy, #19, Aug 1956 (More Information)
Up to the Sky in Ships (NEFSA Press USA 1982) (More Information)
"The Word"
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"Viscous Circle"
Fantastic Universe, Jun/Jul 1953 (More Information)
Popular Science Fiction (Australian), #6, Mar 1955 (More Information)
"The Wandering Buoy"
Analog, Sep 1970 (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1972) (More Information)
Renraku Uchûkan Hassin Seyo (Hayakawa Shobô Japan 1975) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1980) (More Information)
Grimes Macht Karriere (Goldmann Germany 1983) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Palm Digital USA 2000) (More Information)
John Grimes: Lieutenant Of The Survey Service (SFBC USA 2001) (More Information)
Commander Grimes (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"The Way it Was"
Omega, Mar/Apr 1981 (More Information)
"A New Dimension"
Up to the Sky in Ships (NEFSA Press USA 1982) (More Information)
"Wet Paint"
Amazing, May 1959 (More Information)
Beyond the Galactic Rim (Ace USA 1963) (More Information)
Thrilling Science Fiction, Jun 1973 (More Information)
Beyond the Galactic Rim (Alison & Busby UK 1982) (More Information)
Beyond the Galactic Rim (Sphere UK 1982) (More Information)
Legends of the Rim (Act Mockba Russia 2003) (More Information)
"What Would You Do?"
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"One Man's Ambition"
Amazing, Feb 1958 (More Information)
"What You Know"
Galaxy, Jan 1971 (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1972) (More Information)
Renraku Uchûkan Hassin Seyo (Hayakawa Shobô Japan 1975) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1980) (More Information)
Grimes Macht Karriere (Goldmann Germany 1983) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Palm Digital USA 2000) (More Information)
John Grimes: Lieutenant Of The Survey Service (SFBC USA 2001) (More Information)
Commander Grimes (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"What's In a Name?"
The Log, Nov/Dec 1958 (More Information)
From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone Australia 1990) (More Information)
"When I Was In the Zoo"
Galaxy, Jul 1968 (More Information)
"Cupboard Love"
Mans World, #6 1970 (More Information)
"When the Dream Dies"
Amazing, Feb 1961 (More Information)
Amazing, Sep 1958 (More Information)
"The Window"
Man Junior, Apr 1956 (More Information)
Nebula, #22, Jul 1957 (More Information)
Tales of the Frightened, Aug 1957 (More Information)
"The Winds of If"
Amazing, Sep 1963 (More Information)
Catch the Star Winds (Lancer USA 1969) (More Information)
Der Sternensegler (Terra Nova Germany 1970) (More Information)
Legends of the Rim (Act Mockba Russia 2003) (More Information)
John Grimes: Reserve Commodore (SFBC USA 2004) (More Information)
Catch the Star Winds (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"With Good Intentions"
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1972) (More Information)
Renraku Uchûkan Hassin Seyo (Hayakawa Shobô Japan 1975) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Ace USA 1980) (More Information)
Grimes Macht Karriere (Goldmann Germany 1983) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Palm Digital USA 2000) (More Information)
John Grimes: Lieutenant Of The Survey Service (SFBC USA 2001) (More Information)
Commander Grimes (Act Mockba Russia 2004) (More Information)
The Hard Way Up (Baen Books USA 2007) (More Information)
"The Words"
The Log, Mar 1959 (More Information)
"Words and Music"
Nebula, #32, Nov 1958 (More Information)
Man, Aug 1958 (More Information)
Infinity, Oct 1958 (More Information)
"The Wrong Track"
Fantastic Universe, Oct 1954 (More Information)
Science Fantasy, #12, Feb 1955 (More Information)
"Zoological Specimen"
New Worlds, #23, May 1954 (More Information)
Science Fiction Stories, May 1957 (More Information)
Catch the Star Winds (Lancer USA 1969) (More Information)
Legends of the Rim (Act Mockba Russia 2003) (More Information)


Fantastic Worlds, Fall 1954 (More Information)
"Kangaroos Don't Smoke"
Cross Section 1954 (More Information)
M31, Sep 1969 (More Information)
Wastebasket, #3 1951 (More Information)
"The Streaker"
The Mentor, #26, Aug 1980 (More Information)


"Grimesish Grumberlings, All Aboard For Armageddon"
The Mentor, #49, Apr 1984 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, The Anjin-sama and the Admiral Revisited"
The Mentor, #50, Jul 1984 (More Information)
"An appreciation of Jack Vance"
Science Fiction - A Review of Speculative Fiction, Vol. 4 No. 2 1982 (More Information)
"Around the World in 23,741 Days"
Algol, Sp 1978 (More Information)
"Australian S. F. Fans"
The Mentor, #21, Oct 1971 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, Better a Bad Review Than None At All - Perhaps"
The Mentor, #42, Feb 1983 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, A Cook's Tour of Convenience Food Country"
The Mentor, #38, Jun 1982 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, The Curse of Ned Kelly"
The Mentor, #37, Apr 1982 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, The Death of a Thousand Cuts"
The Mentor, #34, Oct 1981 (More Information)
"Durable Desperadoes"
Philosophical Gas, #51, Jul 1980 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, Ellison Show"
The Mentor, #45, Aug 1983 (More Information)
"Gold is Where You Find It"
Diversifier, #25, Mar 1978 (More Information)
"Grimes-San and the Naked Lady"
The Mentor, #24, Mar 1978 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings"
The Mentor, #28, Dec 1980 (More Information)
"Heard But Not Seen"
Australian Science Fiction Review, #8, Mar 1967 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, If This is Tokyo it Must Be Friday"
The Mentor, #53, Oct 1984 (More Information)
"International SF"
The Australian Author, Jan 1980 (More Information)
"The Japanese Branch of the SF Family"
The Australian Author, Jan 1978 (More Information)
"John Grimes - Autobiographical Notes"
Marcon XIII, Apr 1978 (More Information)
"John W. Campbell"
John W. Campbell - An Australian Tribute 1974 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, Kelly Country Foreward"
The Mentor, #47, Dec 1983 (More Information)
"Late (Introduction)"
SF Author's Choice 2 (Berkley Medallion USA 1970) (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, Lost In Space And Time Without (Alas!) Ferdinand Feghoot"
ARK, #1, Dec 1974 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, The Misplaced Apostrophe and Other Crimes"
The Mentor, #46, Oct 1983 (More Information)
"My Life and Grimes"
Marcon XIII, Apr 1978 (More Information)
Chicon, IV 1982 (More Information)
"My Life and Grimes'"
Scythrop, #22, Apr 1971 (More Information)
"Notes on the Battle of Kiel"
Science Fiction - A Review of Speculative Fiction, #0, Vol 6 No 3 1984 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, Nothing Like a Good Whinge"
The Mentor, #36, Jan 1982 (More Information)
"Nudism In Fiction"
Solar, #44 1967 (More Information)
"The Perfect Machine"
Astounding, Jan 1945 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, "Pet Corns""
The Mentor, #40, Oct 1982 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, Pig Island Revisited"
The Mentor, #33, Oct 1981 (More Information)
"Present Shock"
Philosophical Gas, #27, Mar 1974 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, The Quest for Fire"
The Mentor, #39, Aug 1982 (More Information)
"A Question on the Fate of Skylab"
Dragonard, #1 1979 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, Rally Round the Flag, Boys"
The Mentor, #44, Jun 1983 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, The Road to Gor"
The Mentor, #31, Jun 1981 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, Round Up the Usual Suspects..."
The Mentor, #48, Feb 1984 (More Information)
"Running Off The Rim"
Philosophical Gas, #27, Mar 1974 (More Information)
"Russia and The Writer"
Philosophical Gas, #27, Mar 1974 (More Information)
"Sea and Science Fiction"
Owlflight, #3 1982 (More Information)
"The Square On the Hypotenuse"
Forerunner Quarterly, #1, Aug 1975 (More Information)
"Starboard Watch"
Philosophical Gas, #29, Feb 1975 (More Information)
"Still Running the Rim"
Australian Science Fiction Review, #5, Dec 1966 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, Susan Wood - A Tribute"
The Mentor, #29, Feb 1981 (More Information)
"Tarzan and the Myth-Makers"
The E.R.B. Digest, #1, Mar 1967 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, Times Ain't What They Were - But Were They Ever?"
The Mentor, #43, Apr 1983 (More Information)
"To Run the Rim (Article)"
The Mentor, #6, May 1965 (More Information)
Australian Science Fiction Review, #3, Sep 1966 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, The Ultimate Blimp"
ARK, #2, Mar 1974 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, Up, Up and Away"
The Mentor, #35, Dec 1981 (More Information)
"Grimesish Grumberlings, Where Have All the Pigs Gone?"
The Mentor, #32, Aug 1981 (More Information)
"Writing Abroad: Australia"
SFWA Forum, #32, Jan 1974 (More Information)
"You Could Always Look at the Pictures"
Forerunner Quarterly, #3, Jan 1976 (More Information)


Amazing Stories, Jul 1927 (More Information)
Astounding, Sep 1943 (More Information)
Thrilling Wonder Stories, Aug 1947 (More Information)
Famous Fantastic Mysteries, Feb 1949 (More Information)
Analog, Oct 1960 (More Information)
Analog, Jun 1966 (More Information)
Australian Science Fiction Review, #5, Dec 1966 (More Information)
Analog, Jan 1967 (More Information)
M31, Sep 1969 (More Information)
Analog, Apr 1969 (More Information)
Science Fiction Review, #34, Dec 1969 (More Information)
Science Fiction Review, #37, Apr 1970 (More Information)
Science Fiction Review, #40, Oct 1970 (More Information)
SFWA Forum, #27, Oct 1972 (More Information)
M31, #2, Sep 1972 (More Information)
SFWA Forum, #30, Jun 1973 (More Information)
SFWA Forum, #28, Feb 1973 (More Information)
SFWA Forum, #35, Sep 1974 (More Information)
SFWA Forum, #33, Apr 1974 (More Information)
Philosophical Gas, #30, Mar 1975 (More Information)
SF Commentary, #4445, Dec 1975 (More Information)
Diversifier, #11, Oct 1975 (More Information)
Philosophical Gas, #31, Jul 1975 (More Information)
SF Commentary, #47, Aug 1976 (More Information)
SF Commentary, #49, Nov 1976 (More Information)
The Australian Author, Jan 1979 (More Information)
The Australian Author, Apr 1980 (More Information)
The Mentor, #34, Oct 1981 (More Information)
Lan's Lantern, #0, Jul 1981 (More Information)
The Mentor, #40, Oct 1982 (More Information)
The Mentor, #39, Aug 1982 (More Information)
The Mentor, #46, Oct 1983 (More Information)
The Mentor, #49, Apr 1984 (More Information)


"The Cool Cottontail"
Solar, #54 1970 (More Information)
"The Dunsay Touch"
Fantasy Review, #8, Apr/May 1948 (More Information)
"Mission Impossible"
The Mentor, #21, Oct 1971 (More Information)
"The Naked Ape"
Solar, #50 1969 (More Information)
"The Spirit of Man"
Fantasy Review, #1, Feb/Mar 1947 (More Information)
"Ted White's Time Machine"
The Mentor, #22, Apr 1972 (More Information)
"The Utter Limit"
The Mentor, #22, Apr 1972 (More Information)


"An Interview With A. Bertram Chandler"
Amazing, Mar 1983 (More Information)
"He Wrote 'The Rats Tale'"
Fantasy Review, #1, Feb/Mar 1947 (More Information)