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The Rim Worlds

... out on the Galactic Rim things are very iffy and if you fart really hard your're liable to blow yourself on to an Alternate Time Track.

A Bertram Chandler.

The Story

Unable to exceed the speed of light, he found ways around the law of nature, twisting space and time to his bidding. But the lure of FTL speeds could would not be forgotten...and the crew of the Flying Cloud - casts-offs from the great civilisations of the galaxy- found themselves breaking through the barriers of the past to discover new worlds - worlds from which they could never return!
(The Lancer edtion also includes the short story Zoological Specimen)


For the one-time service manager of a certain engineering concern.

Published Editions

  • Lancer 74-533, (US), 6-69, 222pp, 75c
  • Terra Nova #153, (Germany), 65pp, DM 1.00 ,1970, {as DER STERNENSEGLER}

Catch The Star Winds

Lancer 74-553

Cover by Kelly Freas

Published Editions (Cont.)

  • Hayakawa-Shobô, (Japan), 1986 {as KÔSHI HANSEN FURAINGU KURADO}
  • in RIM LEGENDS, Act Mockba, (Russia), 2004, 734pp
  • Baen Books (USA), 2007, e-book, $4.00, www.webscription.net

Der Sternensegler

Terra Nova #153

Cover By Karl Stephan

John Grimes: ReserveCommodore


Cover by Alan Pollack

John Grimes: Reserve Commodore

Act Mockba 2003

Catch The Star Winds

Baen Books SKU: 0739439650