This web site is being mainted to keep the memory of A Bertram Chandler alive. I'm happy to maintain the site and looking after the hosting fees. However I would appreciate any contributions to the web site.
In particular if anyone has Fanzines with stories, letters or articles not listed on the web site (or listed as missing), please contact me if you would be happy to donate/sell the fanzine or if possible could you please scan me a copy of the relevant material.
Please check the wanted list for magazines I need for the web site.
The web site has a library of most of the non-English publications of the novels but I am still looking for a number of the Japanese editions. If anyone could help me with purchasing these it would be appreciated (I've managed to use the Japanese Amazon site once, but I'm not convinced I could do it again!)
You can also donate directly to the web site via PayPal any donations go towards web hosting fees or towards purchases of Chandler related materials.
I have a number of spare novels and books if anyone wants to make me an offer. Please remember these have to be posted from Australia and you can probably get them cheaper from Amazon. When The Dream Dies, Rendezvous On A Lost World, The Coils Of Time, The Inheritors and Gateway to Never, The Dark Dimensions and The Rim Gods, The Wild Ones, To Prime The Pump, The Sea Beasts, The Anarch Lords, To Keep The Ship, The Broken Cycle, The Last Amazon, Matilda's Stepchildren, Starloot, Empress of Outer Space and The Alternate Martians, Astounding - November 1946 (Tower of Darkness), Analog - January 1970 (The Proper Gander), Galaxy - July 1969 (Sleeping Beauty), Galaxy - August 1969 (The Minus Effect), Galaxy - February 1970 (Sleeping Beauty), Thrilling Science Fiction - December 1972 (The Last Citizen), Galaxy - May 1973 (On the Account), Analog - August 1976 (The Far Traveller), The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 1 edited by Harry Harrison & Brian Aldiss No 1 (The Left Hand Way)
If you are looking at purchasing any books through Amazon consider using the link on this page as a small percenctage of the purchase price is donated to this web site.
Finally the website is hosted on If you or anyone you know is looking for a new web hosting company please use the links on this page to sign up and the web site will get a reduction in hosting fees. (Web Hosting By Brinkster.)
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