Amazing Stories - Jul 1927
An English Criticism
Editor, Amazing Stories
I think that your magazine beats any magazine published here in England. It seems that you have a rather nasty habit, however, of resurrecting stories from Science and Invention. Most of your readers are old readers of that periodical, and it is irritating to see these stories published. I refer to "The Man From the Atom" and "Advanced Chemistry." Other stories that I dislike are those scientific detective stories. Tales of that type can be found in almost any magazine. I am also of the opinion that "The Plague of the Living Dead" was impossible. The author mentioned that the living dead needed no food, and also that they could not be destroyed by fire or poison gas. Any living tissue would disintegrate into its constituents in great heat. Poison gases could form new compounds in any blood.
Having disburdened myself of my complaints. I will show signs of appreciation. Your magazine puts before me my favourite class of fiction. I can claim to have read all the leading English writers of this, but your magazine has introduced me to their American rivals.
A. B. Chandler
Beccles England
[This carefully considered letter from an English reader has a side interest, if we may so express it, as it shows how seriously the fictional stories are taken by our patrons. There is a touch of England about it that makes it very interesting. The note of comparison with our English contemporaries is most enlightening. ' EDITOR]
This is the earliest known publication by A. Bertram Chandler written from his home town of Beccles when he was 15. Despite his age this is unmistakably a Chandler letter!