Act Mockba
- The Rim of Space
- Bring Back Yesterday
- Beyond the Galactic Rim
- Catch the Star Winds
- Space Mercenaries
Short Stories
Published Editions
- Act Mockba, (Russia), 2004
The Story
The following is based on a machine generated translation from from a Russian Book
Reivew. If you can do better I would be happy to update the text!
Legends of the Rim
- “To prigranich'e” (“The Rim of Space”,
1961; Translated by A.Kuznetsovoy);
- “Returned yesterday” (“Bring Back Yesterday”,
1961; Translated by A.Suvorovoy);
- “After the edge of galaxy” (collection of short stories “Beyond
the Galactic Rim”, 1963; Translated by A.Flotskogo):
- “Caught starry wind” (“Catch the Star Winds”,
1969; a novel from cycle “John Grimes In the Federation”, the second
cycle about John Grimes; Translated by A.Suvorovoy);
- “Mercenaries of space” (“Space Mercenaries”,
1965; the second novel from the trilogy “empress” (“Empress Irene”);
Translated by O.Petrovoy);
- Short Story:
“Zoological specimen” (story “Zoological Specimen”,
from May 1954 in“New Worlds” # 23; Translated by A.Suvorovoy).